Summary of New Features in Release 2.0.6 • Several modems have been added to the list of modem initialization strings. • Changes and additions to modem initialization strings are now kept in the SLIP Preferences file so that changes are not lost when you upgrade releases of MacSLIP. • Support for port speeds of 115200 and 230400 for some hardware has been added. See Higher Port Speeds for more detail. • MacSLIP can be configured to automatically disconnect your SLIP connection after a user-specified interval. See Automatic Disconnect. (Supported under System 7 only.) • MacSLIP installs the MacSLIP Menu in the menubar near the Applications Menu for easy access to Connect and Disconnect, as well as being able to select the connection set. (Supported under System 7 only.) • You can now display your cumulative connect time in the MacSLIP control panel by holding down the command and option keys. Click at the total time while it is being displayed to reset it. • MacSLIP can be scripted using AppleScript. • Several bugs that might cause crashes or other undesirable behavior have been fixed.